holidays arrive, and it's time to head way out west (where the rain
does fall, and sometimes it even snows) and get back to the Blue
Mountains again. A trip from one of my many bushwalking books from
Mt Victoria to Leura had caught my eye, but I tweaked it to run from
Leura to Blackheath so as to capture a large chunk of the Hounslow
Classic course.
plan was drive to Leura and park, run off along Mt Hay fire trail,
trot across to Blackheath, catch train to Leura, then off to
Wentforth Falls for Mountain High Pies (of course). My goal was also
to finish in good shape and not crawl on hands and knees to the train
station. Easier said than done.
reports suggested perfect weather, and that was the case. Blue skies
and sun, which took care of lot of decision making. Jumping out of
the car at Leura I did chuck an a fleece top in the pack (which
turned out to be an awesome decision).
trip out along Mt Hay Rd is 10km of fire trail. There were plenty of
tyre tracks suggesting I wasn't alone, and a few family 4WD went
past. I kept reminding myself that I was in no hurry, and stopped
frequently to look at glimpses of emerging valley views and play with
the camera.
Mt Hat Rd |
Mt Hay Rd |
My Hay Rd looking back to Flat Top |
course on the map the track is a nice flat line, but in the real
world there are actual ups and downs and winding turns, and these
eventually led to a car park and the start of the rocky single trail
to The Pinnacles and Lockley's Pylon (named after J.G. Lockley, a journalist who
supported conservation efforts to save the Blue Gum Forest from logging
in the 1930s).
heading to The Pinnacles |
views from The Pinnacles |
winding alongside The Pinnacles |
looking back to The Pinnacles |
Pinnacles are interesting eroded sandstone formations, and I could have spent longer wandering around and doing some scrambling, but the best
part was the way that Grose Valley views were unfolding. Until
recently I have been reticent about exploring this part of the world
because it is so BIG. Deep valleys, long climbs and extremes of
weather demand respect. As I passed The Pinnacles and ran towards
Lockley's Pylon, it became increasingly apparent just how big as
extensive valleys with enormous cliff walls seemed to stretch on
forever. Last time up here Dave Cannings had spoke about a walk from Blue Gum
Forest down the Grose Valley to Richmond, a walk I had read about
previously (see trip report). It sounds like a mad adventure (*sound of wife sighing*).
Pylon was great, and I took the time to climb it, wander around, have
a bite to eat, and play with the camera. Possibly I may not enjoy it
as much on race day (make that “highly likely”), so today I took
my time to soak it all in.
heading towards Lockley's |
view from top of Lockley's down the Grose Valley |
from Lockley's across to Docker Head (Perry's Lookdown is at the top) |
a line on a map does not always match reality on the ground. Leaving
Lockley's Pylon and heading to the track down off Du Faur Head was
far more scrambly and hard to find than I had expected. In a few
places where it looked like the track was heading down, all I could
think was “I am not going down there !”.
After a good deal of back and forth and head scratching I did find
two arrows carved into the rock. Even with this clear sign, I was
still a bit nervous. I had a good drink of “Harden the F*%# Up”
(a recognised hydration product for wuss bags like me), reorganised
my pack, and started down.
track off Lockley's to Du Faur Head |
follow the arrows |
was a bit steep at first (think escape from Mordor), but not
nearly as bad as it had first looked. It was also nice being out of
the strong cold winds up above. On the way down I met a great bloke
with a pack, gaiters, and masses of bloody scratches all over his
legs. Not a reassuring sight, but it seems he accumulated them
yesterday going off trail in the Jamison Valley between the Ruined
Castle and Scenic Railway. I suspect he was having a crack at
locating the old cable way more info here, yet another adventure for another day (insert sound of wife sighing again). We didn't talk long as we both had
places to be, and we went our separate ways.
wander down was lovely, but kept eyes peeled for snakes as I wandered
through long open sections of trail where red bellied snakies just love to
stretch out and have a bake (and I speak from experience). The faster runners in October might be
in for a few surprises. I worked up a trot in places, but backed off
when I hit sections where my feet were obscured by growth. I had my
compression bandage, but absolutely no intention of seeing how well
it worked.
looking upstream on Govett's Creek |
hate wet shoes. At the bottom I was faced with the choice of
scouting a creek crossing, or removing shoes and socks. Oh wait.
What about that big tree fallen across the creek. That looks
incredibly dangerous, so why not give that a go. I steeled myself,
and began shuffling across. It was clear that other fellow morons
had done the same as the surface was nicely worn. Halfway across
logic kicked in, but too late now. I reached the other side, looked
back and thought “well that was stupid”.
the log challenge |
I faced the climb up to Perry's Lookdown. I had last been up this
way about thirty years ago. I remembered the climb being steep, but
it was way beyond what I recalled. It was pure slog. However, I do
love a good climb, and it didn't disappoint. What did surprise me
was how many times I thought “that must be the top”,
Eventually I did hit the top, and came across a group of about eight.
There was a smell of marijuana in the air, and young bodies climbing
over the safety fence. My goal had been to get to the top and be
able to get myself running, and this was made much easier by wanting
to avoid becoming involved in a body recovery operation. Time to
push on to Pulpit Rock (the young'uns later drove past me and gave me
thumbs up out the windows, so clearly no one had plummeted to their
please make it end |
I got the legs ticking over, it was just good old fashioned head down
stuff. In recent readings (actually a podcast ), I had come across
the blazingly simple concept that if you are going to be some kind of
endurance athlete, and go signing up for crazy events, then you need
to “do the work”. Entering an event is a commitment to not only
fork over a wad of cash and turn up at the start line, but to also get out of bed and “do the
work” in the months leading up to it. The “4.30am Rule” it was called (or in my case, the “alarm at 6am,
sleep in until 6.30, two cups of coffee and leave late” rule). I
liked the idea of “do the work”. Doesn't mean that training needs
to be a continual horrible suffer fest (if it is then what is the
point), but some days it just needs to be done (and if you are
building to a peak, then some days are probably going to be a
horrible suffer fest); but once it's done, you are free to enjoy race
day a whole lot more. I had mumbled it to myself
all thew way up the climb, and I kept mumbling it as I worked my way
towards Pulpit Rock. Do the work, do the work. If you are going to cover 75km in October in under 17 hours Rob, do the work.
Pulpit Rock the fire trail became single trail, with lots of mud and
water. I caught up with a group of walkers talking about “the
burn” of walking as they casually ambled along. There was no real
way around them, so I casually ambled along behind them feeling no
burn whatsoever, just frustration. At that point the Karma Fairy of
judgement sprinkled her magic dust and placed my foot on a slippery
muddy rock and my body dropped suddenly to the ground in an
excruciatingly painful one legged squat way past where it can
comfortably go, and I grabbed the orange barrier tape to stop myself
sliding over the edge. I'm not sure what horrible noise I made (a
gut shot pig perhaps), but one of the walkers ahead turned quickly
and asked if I was OK. Yeah, fine. Serves me right Karma Fairy.
a solo trip, I had cut the kept the water weight down, and by now I
had run dry. At Govett's Leap I had a big drink, which left me
feeling a little bloaty. It was also more than a little chilly.
Technically the track went back into the bush for the next few km,
but I was worried about the cold catching me out. I have done the hypothermia thing and it is not fun. I would be in
shade and not running fast enough to keep warm, so I just set out
along the main road in the lovely afternoon sun. It was nice to peek
into peoples lovely gardens instead of whizzing past in a car.
had been pushing to catch the 3.02pm train (so I could get to
Mountain High Pies before 4pm and buy pies of course! ). I knew it
wasn't going to happen, but tried anyway. Eventually I missed the
train by minutes, so I took the chance to strip off and dry in the sun
for a while. Then I popped on my fleece top (so glad now that I had
lugged it around all day), closed my eyes, and enjoyed that wonderful
feeling of not having to move. A training goal today was to finish
and be able to keep going, which is exactly what happened. If I
really really had to, I could have got up and dragged myself all the
way back to Leura; but bugger me if it didn't feel so good to not
have to do that, instead just sit and snooze in the sun and wait for a nice warm train.
good day.