North Face 100 here I come
North Face 100 here I come
weeks until my first 100km run. The North Face 100. It seems a bit
surreal that at the start of 2011 I didn't even know such things
existed. I wasn't even running. But from the moment I read the term
“ultrarunning” I must admit that, for whatever reason, a little
naggy voice began whispering in my head.
last Saturday morning, I was lying in a warm snuggy bed, listening to
the sound of rain falling. I guess running can make you a little
strange, because the falling rain, and the freezing cold snap that
has arrived during the night were exactly what I was hoping for. I
wanted the chance to practice running in the cold and wet with a full
pack with a jacket on. Instead of staying in my warm snuggy bed
with a warm snuggy wife. Very strange indeed.
hasn't been the only strange thing about training for a 100km event.
The entire process has been a huge learning curve. Some aspects were
easy to predict, whilst some have been unexpected. From talking to
other crazy running folk, and from reading stuff written by other
crazy running folk, some things I was ready for; but definitely not
everything. So what went to plan ? and which things were unexpected
and more challenging than expected ?
O lordy. At times I felt like all I did was eat. Having always
been active, and doing a physically challenging job, I was used to
having a healthy appetite, but at times skipped meals and ate more
later. During the training, though, I really had to think carefully
about eating more regularly. Heading out for a long run when you
haven't been eating well is a recipe for disaster. Which I
discovered the hard way. Many times. Until I finally got the
message. It took a while. I can be slow.
me say too, that when I hear people say “you run so much - you can
eat whatever you like” - not true. In my case, eat crap, run crap.
I usually tend to avoid refined carbs (lollies, bread, white flour,
cakes, white sugar, soft drinks) as much as possible. At times I
indulged a little (a few chocolates have died along the way), but not
with great results. No free pass in this area. Except with salty
foods. I never add salt to food or cooking, but after long runs I
developed the most immense salt cravings. I have eaten a lot of
miso, soy sauce, sea salt, chicken noodle soup of late (although I must add that adding TAILWIND to my training made a big difference - extra salty which I loved). All the
training has meant I have actually had to be extra careful about my
diet. A lot of thinking about what I needed to eat – especially as
the training weeks got heavier. Thank goodness for the lovely wife
Cait. “Darling Rob, can I buy a Thermomix ?” “Of course you
can lovely Cait ! That way you can produce copious amounts of
healthy vegetarian delights for me to chow down”.
If you enjoy late nights and a good sleep in, do not sign up for a
100km event. After a few times waking at 4.30am to drive to Katoomba
to run some stupid distance, you soon discover that your wife is
shaking you awake on the couch at 8.30pm because you are snoring the
house down and it is clearly time for bed.
also raised its ugly weary head. A very deep tiredness. Some weeks
I just tossed training out the window. Nothing but finishing work,
eating, going to bed early to let the body play catch up.
Chafing. Running a long way can lead to chafing. Good thing there are some amazing products out there to stop it occurring. However, it can be easy to miss a spot. And that spot can become so very painful. So incredibly painful.
management possibly has possibly been the hardest part. I am a home
body. I love being at home. I love hanging out with the wife and
kids, reading, gardening, playing guitar, listening to music,
drinking a nice red. However, despite my best intentions, things got
stretched a bit thin at times – and when at home, sometimes I was
just tired and boring (nut never cranky). Training for a 100km event
has not made me a more fascinating and interesting person. My garden
at times began to resemble a jungle. I quickly cut out shorter
5-10km runs simply because I couldn't find time for them.
Yes, at times it got a touch tedious. I loved the long runs, but
not every time. Thank goodness for iPods. I spent a lot of time
listening to podcasts and listening to music. But even a favourite
album gets old. As much as I love running, setting out for yet
another two hour run after work was a challenge at times. Different
from being bone tired – then I was fine with having a break.
However, “I don't wanna” was not a good enough excuse (most
times). You can play that card occasionally, but not too often.
Once I started I was fine, but getting my butt into gear was hard
work some days.
there have definitely been rewards and things I have enjoyed. My
fitness has increased dramatically, way beyond what I would have ever
thought was possible. There is something immeasurably satisfying
about running for hours and experiencing yourself so completely as a
physical being. Not the fittest, fastest, strongest runner, but a
fitter, faster, stronger “me” beyond what I thought was possible.
I sometimes feel like a superhero with a secret identity. Preschool
teacher by day, crazy runner by night. Maybe I should start wearing
my undies on the outside. I am sure that I will finish the 100km,
but if not, the training has still brought me a great deal of
satisfaction simply because of fitness alone.
Of course I am not suggesting that it was all a slog. There have been sublime moments as well, the kind that make it all worthwhile. Standing in the Jamison Valley watching a wall of cloud swirl around me as it boomed thunder, with a curtain of rain hung right in front of me with hardly a drop touching me. Wonderful moments of solitude and peace in the middle of nowhere, somewhere in the beautiful outdoors. Dripping sweat, hot, stinky, sucking on some kind of sport drink, totally at peace. For whatever reason, this makes me happy.
Of course I am not suggesting that it was all a slog. There have been sublime moments as well, the kind that make it all worthwhile. Standing in the Jamison Valley watching a wall of cloud swirl around me as it boomed thunder, with a curtain of rain hung right in front of me with hardly a drop touching me. Wonderful moments of solitude and peace in the middle of nowhere, somewhere in the beautiful outdoors. Dripping sweat, hot, stinky, sucking on some kind of sport drink, totally at peace. For whatever reason, this makes me happy.
and checklists … mmmm, gear … mmm, checklists ... When I first
began looking at websites for ultras, they always had “mandatory
gear” sections with big long lists of stuff. At first this was a
huge turn off (in part because I am such a cheapskate). However I
have seemed to accumulate some stuff quite naturally. The main
expense was my Salomon vest, which became a 50th birthday
present. The poor wife trying to explain to her friends what she was
buying me was funny. “You're buying him a what ? What is that?
What does it do? Why does he need that ? HOW FAR DOES HE RUN ?” I
think in the end it was abbreviated to “some crazy running thing”.
I am in love with my “crazy running thing”. This has been a big
surprise in my training – just how big a difference it has made.
All those easy to reach pockets. Mmm … pockets.
leads to lists. Lists of mandatory gear. Lists of things to pack
for the weekend. Lists of things to pack into each drop bag. Lists
of things to do before the start. Lists of things to have ready at
the end. Lists of things to buy. Analysis of training runs: time
taken, calories and liquids consumed. Break this down into lists of
what to carry each leg of the run, how to carry it. What worked,
what didn't. What top/ shorts/ hat to wear ? Undies or commando ? I
have loved all this. Nerd heaven. And don't get me started on maps
and course directions. Bliss.
course, running for hours on end has meant a lot of time to ponder
“why”. Should everyone run 100km ? Of course not. What a silly idea. It has been a
hard journey to get myself to this point, and I have made sacrifices
along the way. Does this make me better than someone else. Of
course not. I think most folk should be able to run 5-10km as a
basic fitness level, or some similar level of exertion at some
activity (or just do something), but after that, what is the point ? The closest I have
come to an answer is that at any point in time you have an image of
yourself, and a set of beliefs about yourself. I believe all of us
want to be the best version of that image that we can. At times what
we think is important can change. New things come into the picture,
beliefs change. You meet new people with different ideas (I suspect
joining the Berowra Bush Runners has been a bad influence). Old
beliefs change. Your self image changes. It is probably impossible
to put into words exactly why I need to run 100km, but I can say that
if I never tried, it would have been one of those horrible “I
wonder what if” things that never went away. At this point in time
it is a challenge that resonates (and I hope it is still resonating
after about 80km).
I feel ready ? Yes. Am I ready ? Time will tell. Maybe some folks
who have run many of these events would be more certain. I have
based my training heavily on Dr Phil Maffetone's “180” formula to
promote fat burning and endurance. Keeping your heart rate at “180
minus your age”. Like so many who choose this method, there are
initially many long slow runs (much slower than your usual pace), lots of hill walking, and a good deal of
frustration. Especially when you head into summer and the heart rate
gets up far more easily. Eventually the heart rate monitor died, but
I definitely began training at a much lower intensity (intensity goes out the window with heart rate training), and over time
I gradually began noticing my pace increasing at a much lower sense
of effort. I also began finishing longer runs feeling way less
smashed – quite good in fact !
I will finish typing this, then head out for a last 20km run. Time
to taper. Have I done enough. Have I done too much. I have no
idea, but no point worrying and second guessing now. It is all part of the challenge, and in two weeks it will be
interesting to look back on the journey. But that is for another
This is a great article Rob! I love all your points (especially seeing your fitness increase). I was impressed how you flew by me at the Jun-2014 handicap (with you starting 10mins after me!). Maybe you were wearing your undies on the outside. BTW, your mention of the Thermomix has helped me convince Eric we need one. Thanks!