Glenbrook Trail Marathon has been on my “to do” for a few years.
However, it was always on a date that didn't work. One year the
choice was a) wedding anniversary or b) run a marathon (or to
rephrase it “stay happily married or
run a marathon”).
saw it fall on Sunday August 24 – a day and week end totally free
of any commitments. A miracle. The appropriate marital leave forms
were submitted early and were approved by the lovely Cait. Of course
the moment I actually paid and entered, a 50th birthday
jumped out of nowhere for the Saturday. My leave pass needed to be
reassessed, but it was still all good. I just needed to leave the
party at 9.30pm before I turned into a pumpkin. The Saturday night
was cold and miserable, so leaving early wasn't too bad an option.
So on the dot of 9.30 pm (sort of) and after only two beers (sort of)
it was home to bed.
at 4.15am I was all bouncy. I read about others being nervous before
an event, but I slept so well. The weeks leading up to the race had
been constant rain, and it was dark and cloudy as I head off, but
just as I turned off the M7 and head west to the Blue Mountains, the
clouds parted and the most beautiful sunrise began - and only got
better as the day went on. It became a lovely warm and toasty day
previous years before Glenbrook, I had run 6 Ft Track and Glow Worm
Tunnel trail marathons. Both took over 5 ¾ hours . Today I was
hoping to break 5 hours, but I wasn't too cocky. Trails, hills, and
single track have a habit of smashing you. My training had gone well
though, and I had had a screaming run on the last Wednesday night
run. I wondered was I able to run that well for 42 km ?
add a bit more spice, I had been joking about not getting “chicked”
by Hannah, Karin and Alison. Hannah has a killer 21km time, and
Alison keeps up with her pretty well (as my super secret STRAVA
spying indicated). Karin is crazy and keeps on improving. I had my
work cut out – but it added a nice spice to proceedings.
Pre-race was all chatty and buzzy. Definitely the most relaxed and social start I have ever had to an event. 7.30am
we lined up, someone said something about the course (hope it wasn't
important because I couldn't hear a word), then we were off. We kind
of went wandering all around – tracks, trails, creeks, up, down,
then suddenly we were on open fire trail. I had decided not to hang
around the back today and to push things harder than ever. Sub 5
hour or bust. The big plus to this was not getting stuck behind
slower runners (lots walking already). - the minus being I did feel
like maybe a had gone a bit too hard. Only one way to find out.
Shut up and keep running.
was the big climb up to Mt Portal Lookout. It was nice passing so
many people dying on the hill, but it did make me wonder again was I
going too hard ?
of the mysteries of a run with 25/ 34/ 42km options is that you never
know who is doing what - who is out to race, who is out to wander
about, who is aiming for a fast time, who is dawdling. It is
difficult to assess your own effort by others. I reached the turn
around at Mt Portal happy with the shape I was in, and began heading
back. In my head, Hannah was probably hanging back with Alison who
was running her first marathon, so I didn't need to keep pushing so
hard to avoid being “chicked”. Those two are such good friends,
they are probably chatting away, Hannah kindly offering words of
encouragement. Wrong. “Hi Rob”. Hannah had her race face
(smiling assassin) on as she steamed towards the turnaround only
moments behind me. Suddenly Alison was there as well, and soon after
Karin. Game on. Can't relax now.
this time my two large coffees and sipping water on the drive up
became an issue. A nice quick downhill run did absolutely nothing to
help my bladder and I had to head off trail for a quick break – at
which point Hannah tore past me.
back on the trail, I settled in to keeping up with Hannah. I did,
but it hurt. We hit a long downhill section of single trail. I
upped the pace, but still couldn't catch her as she ran like a
mountain goat. Then we hit the tricky track to Red Hands Cave. This
is extremely technical and I finally caught and passed her (all my
night runs paid off). However, I knew the course had lots of road
running, and she is so much faster than me and plenty of time to
leave me for dead. I didn't really have a problem with being beaten,
and it was a great bit of fun to keep me pushing.
hit the open trail and settled into about 25km of hard slog. Some
didn't like this part but I was happy just to be out on some nice
trails through the Aussie bush as the sun shone warmly down. It was
lovely day for a bushwalk (but silly me, I was running).
have read that you can't really teach running. True in part, but
also rubbish. This course had lots of long steady inclines, and a
lot of runners had such long clumpy strides. Thump ! Thump ! Thump !
Every time they hit an incline they slowed down. Like a good little
trail runner I shortened my stride and kept my cadence steady (or
even increased it). Pit pat pit pat. One fellow was doing his best
to hold me off. We hit a downhill and he would go thumping past me
trying to maintain his long stride. The trail would rise and I would
go sneaking ahead. Pit pat pit pat. We kept this unspoken battle
going for several km until he went “uuhh” and started walking. I
kept on pit pat pit pat.
of the enjoyable aspects of this course was the occasional crossing
paths with the elite runners. The guys and gals with those quick
legs and lovely clean strides, those things that some lucky folks are
just born with *sigh* and us mere mortals can only dream about. No
tired shuffling, even though their faces showed they were running out
of their skins.
back from Nepean Lookout I was wondering how much lead I had on
Hannah. “Hi Rob”. A very short lead. “Hi Rob”. Alison as
well ? Her first marathon ? Really ? Glad I didn't have money on
the race. I also passed Karin who wasn't too close behind but still
had the energy to give me a fake Hi 5 and ran off laughing. If she
wasn't so busy having fun she could be so much faster.
reached the last aid station. 5km to go. YAY ! Big shout out to the
aid station helpers. “5km to go” I yelled. “no, its 7km”
was the answer. WHAT ! It seems that Glenbrook is actually 44km, not
42. I hoped it was a joke because I was just hanging in there –
but they weren't kidding. I had been chasing a girl with red hair to
drag me along, but she dropped me like a turd at the aid station.
Then I had a brain fart and just wanted to slow down just so badly.
this point I was just constantly assessing myself. My breathing, my
sense of effort, my legs, my cadence. Keep tall and don't slouch.
Don't get sloppy. Trying to maintain a steady pace. Amazing how
much it can take your mind off the pain (for a while) and helps to
distance the hurt. Like meditating and being the self who watches.
In my head I looked like Usain Bolt. Video replays might suggest I
looked like Cliffy Young having a bad day – but its what's in your
head that counts !! All this works for a while and then BANG ! The
pain returns. So you start all over again.
the run I had been running a cracking (for me anyway) pace. My brain
started doing sums that kept saying that if (big if) I could keep my
same pace for the last 15km I would do the 44km in under 4 ½ hours.
One voice was saying “don't worry, it's still under 5 hours,
doesn't matter if you get chicked, slow down, this hurts”. The
other voice was kicking my butt and saying “if you slow down now
you will be so bummed about five minutes after you finish” - and I
knew that voice was right (the voice sounded suspiciously like Gavin
Markey and Michael Sims combined). When I finally hit that last km I
got the biggest rush and flew to the finish (well maybe I flew like a
penguin). 4:22 ! Didn't get chicked ! - but damn it was close.
Those girls are tough to beat. I suspect they would have crushed me
in the 25km event. I definitely know I wouldn't have run so hard
without the “chick challenge”. Thanks girls.
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Not too hard to guess which one is me |
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